Calorie Counting

So whats the problem with calorie counting?  Inaccuracy.  Calorie counts on food labels and data bases are averages, with research showing these numbers almost always higher or lower.  There are five different methods food companies can choose from to estimate calories, so the FDA permits inaccuracies of up to 20%.  150 calories actually means 130-180.  We also don’t absorb all the calories we consume, nuts and seeds less, with fibre-rich food and protein-rich foods being more – 10% error average.  Also – If you chop or blend food it makes more of the calories available for absorption, our gut bacteria increases or decreases this absorption, not to mention studies showing people mis-measure portions 2/3 of the time.  The total error when counting calories is up to 25%.  As individuals we all absorb calories uniquely and variable.  Even though counting calories, tracking macros etc., is inaccurate, it can get results as you are watching your portions.  It isn’t necessary to go to this extent though to see results and get your optimal body and health.  Be aware of portion sizes and practice good habits, it will take you much further than a strict meal plan you can’t stand or stick to.